Anna Lindh 1957 - 2003

Internacional Socialista de duelo por la pérdida de Anna Lindh

La Internacional Socialista expresa su profundo sentimiento de tristeza y pesar ante la noticia de la enorme pérdida de Anna Lindh, Ministra de Relaciones Exteriores de Suecia, destacada dirigente del Partido Socialdemócrata Sueco y una querida y respetada miembro de la familia de la Internacional Socialista, quien falleció hoy como resultado del atroz ataque perpetrado en su contra en el día de ayer en Estocolmo por un asaltante cuya identidad aún se desconoce.

Anna Lindh se distinguió a lo largo de su carrera por su vehemente compromiso con el fortalecimiento de los valores de la socialdemocracia en su propio país, en Europa y en todo el mundo, por su dedicación a los jóvenes como los potenciales constructores de un futuro mejor y por su actitud siempre positiva, incluso durante los tiempos más difíciles. El legado de Anna Lindh será profundo pues ella marcaba verdaderamente la diferencia.

La Internacional Socialista extiende a su familia, al Partido Socialdemócrata Sueco y al pueblo de Suecia sus más sentidas condolencias y su sincera convicción de que su vida y su trabajo permanecerán en todos aquellos cuyas vidas tocó a lo largo del camino.


Declaración del Primer Ministro de Suecia, Göran Persson, ante la muerte de la Ministra de Relaciones Exteriores Anna Lindh, jueves 11 de septiembre de 2003

It was with great sorrow I learnt that Sweden’s Minister for Foreign Affairs, Anna Lindh, died this morning at 5.29 a.m. from the injuries she suffered in yesterday’s attack.

Our thoughts go to Anna’s family, her husband Bo, her children and other close relatives.

We all share in their grief.

It feels unreal.
It is difficult to fully comprehend.

Anna Lindh was here in our midst so recently.
Committed, quick-thinking, straightforward.
Ready to debate and discuss, to go out onto the streets and campaign.

And now she is gone, torn away from us.
Torn from the democratic cause she valued so highly.
Torn away in the midst of her endeavours, long sustained, informed by respect for others and inspiring their respect.

Her international commitment, going all the way back as it did to her days in the Swedish Social Democratic Youth League, made her a much appreciated colleague in international connections.

Among foreign ministers she quickly gained recognition and respect. She was known for her commitment, drive and expertise.

Last evening and during the night, friends and colleagues from all over the world expressed their sorrow and dismay.

Sweden is known for its openness and democracy, seen as a democratic society where the distance between people and their representatives is and must be small. A tolerant and uniquely cohesive society.

Anna Lindh was a good representative of all of this.
The attack on her has dealt a blow to the society we have built and want to live in.
It undermines trust in society.

That is why it is so important that this crime is quickly cleared up.

It is natural to feel anger and to look for explanations in a situation like this.

How could this happen?
We want a society where everyone can move about freely and safely — even a foreign minister.
We want a society where everyone is safe.

What we need to do now is to come together.

A democratic society can never be defended in any other way.
We must show resolve and unite around the values we want Sweden to embody.

This is the only way in which we can honour Anna Lindh.
It was to democracy and freedom she was most committed.
It was the cause of peace and solidarity that she made her own.

This we must never forget.

Anna Lindh has left us.

Her children have lost their mother and her husband has lost his wife.
The Social Democratic Party has lost one of its most skilful politicians.
The Government has lost an experienced minister and a good colleague.

Sweden has lost one of its foremost representatives, our face to the world.