Socialist Affairs

Issue 1, Volume 50


Voices from the Johannesburg Summit

Socialist Affairs selects from the many statements made at the World Summit on Sustainable Development held in Johannesburg from 26 August to 4 September

Pakistan’s rigged elections must be rejected

Benazir Bhutto demonstrates the dangers of flawed polling results

A commitment to change

Luiz Inácio "Lula" da Silva, elected President of Brazil on 27 October, speaks of his victory.

Ten years and counting

P.J. Patterson reviews his government’s record after a decade in office

Willy Brandt 1913 - 1992

On the tenth anniversary of Willy Brandt’s death, Socialist Affairs reprints excerpts from his speeches and writings over the years which illustrate his political thought and his commitment to the Socialist International.


Jens Stoltenberg, new leader of the Norwegian Labour Party, DNA