Resolution on Algeria

CONSEJO DE OSLO - Solidaridad Global, 18-19 de mayo de 1998

Original: French

The Socialist International, in the face of continuing violence and human rights violations in Algeria, and the attacks on fundamental individual and collective liberties:


  • the urgency to find a political, peaceful and democratic solution to the tragedy in that country;
    the need to start a peace process based on dialogue between all those who categorically condemn and reject violence and terrorism;
  • its solidarity and support for its member party, the Socialist Forces Front, FFS.


  • the concrete initiatives taken by NGOs charged with the protection of human rights, with respect to information and transparency concerning the situation of human rights, in order to determine responsibilities;
  • similar initiatives taken by the UN;
  • the initiative taken by women's NGOs to promote and protect the rights of women in Algeria and provide equal opportunities for women and men in all domains of society.

Urges its member parties:

  • to address public opinion and the media to ensure objective and complete information about the situation in Algeria and to give support to all political forces committed to peace and democracy in Algeria;
  • to urge their governments to strengthen mediation efforts aimed at achieving peace and a political solution which would unite all forces which reject violence and terrorism.